A campaign to combat police abuse during security operations and strengthen the dreams of residents in the Maré Favela Complex, Rio de Janeiro.
Located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Maré is a complex consisting of 16 favelas and over 140,000 residents. In addition to precarious living conditions and other denied rights, the population faces police repression almost every day. The operations are violent, violate human rights, and victimize individuals—often innocent ones.
The campaign "To live, one must be alive" for the NGO Redes da Maré, aimed to depict the reality experienced by residents and raise awareness about their rights. To humanize those living in the favelas, showing that there is more behind numbers and statistics, we centered the campaign around the dreams of these residents.
The campaign focused not only on informing the favela population about their rights but also on drawing the attention of the rest of the city to the repression these people face daily.
Using the right to dream as the guiding principle of the campaign, along with the necessity of being alive to fulfill that dream, we spread posters that demonstrated the favela is made up of real people with real dreams.
We expanded the reach of the message and engaged the population with various materials, from a booklet about rights and a sticker to share their dreams, to a photo exhibition and a kite festival for the children.

Subsequently, the campaign was presented to the Supreme Federal Court and to some members of Congress, pressuring authorities regarding police actions in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. With live coverage on the largest national news channel and in conjunction with other initiatives, the pressure had an impact, and the state released a plan to reduce police lethality rates.

Indigo Design Awards 2022 | Prata
Category: Graphic Design for Social Change
Prêmio Bornancini 2022 | Prata
Categoy: Positive Impact - Social
Brasil Design Award 2022 | Ouro e Grand Prix
Category: Social Design - Prosperity
Category: Graphic Design for Social Change
Prêmio Bornancini 2022 | Prata
Categoy: Positive Impact - Social
Brasil Design Award 2022 | Ouro e Grand Prix
Category: Social Design - Prosperity
COPY: Nicole Mengue, Fernanda Almeida e Manuella Graff
ART DIRECTION: Marcos Oliveira
DESIGN: Kalany Ballardin, Ana Porazzi e Vitória Melissa
PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Francine Ramos e Nicole Mengue
PRODUCTION: Francine Ramos e Nicole Mengue
REDES DA MARÉ: Shyrlei Rosendo e Lidiane Malanquini
PHOTOGRAPHY: Douglas Lopes, Paulo Barros e Patrick Marinho
VIDEO: Douglas Lopes, Isabela Godoi, Alan Muniz, Carlos Marra, Arthur Viana, Bruna Lacerda, Fabiana Morena e Irone Santiago